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September 17, 2007 Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Parks and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:    Chairman Foster, Commissioners Hayes, Szymanski and Waltiere, Park
Director Green, Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park       Office.  

ABSENT:    Commissioner Simpkins.                 
GUESTS:     Selectman Mark Simmons and Kathy Pippin.


        A quorum was established as four commission members were present.




        MOTION:    To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
                           August 17, 2007 as amended.

Hayes moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous.




a.      Dog Park

No discussion on this issue this evening.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Regular Meeting – September 17, 2007

OLD BUSINESS  (continued):

b.      Portable Ice Skating Rink

On September 13, 2007 the Journal Inquirer did an article on the project.  The Girl Scout Troops will be holding a fundraiser dinner and show event at Scout Hall on October 19, 2007.  The Warehouse Point Fire Department will provide service to the rink and the Girl Scout Troops presented a proposal of the ice rink to the Planning and Zoning Department.      

c.      2008 – 2009 CIP

Director Green handed out the membership list of the Board of Finance.  She also distributed a list of grounds equipment owned by the Department listing each piece of equipment, year acquired and present condition.

The rejected proposals of last year’s CIP submission were:

                Vehicle for Director
                Storage building at East Windsor Park
                Feasibility Study for a pool installation

Groundsman Tetro expressed concern with the Town growth and the possible future need of the Highway Department to occupy the bay at the highway garage now used by Parks and Recreation.  Chairman Foster addressed with Selectman Simmons the need for a four-season building at East Windsor Park and also the status of a prior town committee to assess future growth and needs of the Town.

Commissioner Szymanski suggested a discussion with the Public Works Director as to what he anticipates his Department’s needs to be so the Parks and Recreation Commission can assess and plan their future need for a structure.

The CIP plan is due October 1, 2007.

The Commission discussed the following for submission:

        Staff Vehicle - $20,000 for purchase

Storage Building – will be reevaluated after discussion with the Public
Works Director.

        Aquatic Study -  to be resubmitted.  Change the study to engineering
        study rather than a feasibility study.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Regular Meeting – September 17, 2007

OLD BUSINESS/c 2008-2009 CIP  (continued):

The equipment list of Groundsman Tetro was discussed.  Future needs are:

        Sand Pro – acquired in 1994 – get a cost estimate to replace.  Cost
        to be spread over two years.

        Snow blower attachment for 345 mower -  One year allocation

        1994 Dump Truck - $25,000 to replace – heavy duty body with a
        diesel engine.   Two year allocation.

1996 John Deere Tractor - $30,000 – with bucket and brush hog
attachments.    Five year allocation.

Director Green expressed the need for a recreation software package for efficiency in the office.  Director Green is waiting for cost on an Active Net Software Program from California.  It is less costly than the Rec Track Program and she anticipates that a major portion of the cost of the program will be for staff training.   As she has worked with this program in the past, she may be able to assist office staff with that need.

Director Green informed the Commission of the need for ventilation in the snack bar at East Windsor Park.  Heat was a concern this summer and some staff were affected.  The Commission felt that this is not a CIP item at this time.  They would anticipate taking this expense from the department budget.


a.      Financial Accounts Review

The current Budget by Department was handed out and reviewed.

Director Green informed the Commission that the Town will be going to central purchasing.   

b.      East Windsor Park – Reservoir Lower Drainage Pipe

Estimates for the lower drainage pipe will be available for next meeting.

c.      Park Director’s Report

Director Green reported that the file cabinets will be moved, the floor of the office will be redone and the office will be remodeled to conform to the other offices in Town Hall.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Regular Meeting – September 17, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/c  Park Director’s Report  (continued):

The following programs are being offered:

                After school Bowling
                Dog Obedience classes
                Tiny Tots Soccer
                Girls Basketball Clinic at East Windsor High School
                      conducted by Wendy Davis and the Trinity College
                      Woman’s Basketball Team on October 13, 2007

Director Green stated she will have a table representing the Parks and Recreation Department at both the Broad Brook Elementary School and East Windsor Middle School Open Houses.
Leagues/ East Windsor (Reservoir) Park/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

No discussion this evening.

d.      Groundsman’s Report

Groundsman Tetro reported that he is working on getting the plan prepared for the upgrading of the well at East Windsor Park as required by the State of Connecticut.   He is waiting for the information from Brennan Plumbing.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

  No discussion this evening.


Director Green informed the Commission that the President of the East Windsor Soccer Club will be resigning after this season.   

The Commission requested that outside groups come before the Commission three months in advance of their program to request use of fields and facilities and to discuss our obligations to their organization.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Regular Meeting – September 17, 2007

CORRESPONDENCE  (continued):

        Director Green stated that there are 13 soccer fields in use each week this season.




The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Hayes and Waltiere.


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 8:30 p.m.

                          Szymanski moved/Foster seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary